Here’s a tiny selection of things I’ve done over the years.

Named one of The Advocate’s Champions of Pride 2020 for Wisconsin.

Salon interview, May 2015 – a piece about Jenner’s coming out, straight privilege, and transition for couples

Savage Love, Jan 2011 – one of my very favorite things was getting to teach Dan Savage something.

New York magazine, September 2015 – I’m interviewed in this piece whose inspiration was Jenner’s transition but which covers a few transitioning couples and some variety of experience.

river + bay – this is a piece by a local author and it’s included because (1) I love it, and (2) it’s not about trans but about our artistic partnership and marriage.

Much, much older media from the early 00s:

Here’s an older piece from In the Life, a now defunct LGBTQ show, where we’re introduced by none other than Charles Busch to talk about the “legal loophole” that allowed us to be married at a time other same sex couples couldn’t be.

The Keith Ablow Show from forever ago (before he became a trans hater).

The first and second halves of an interview I did with Andrea James.

The first and second halves of an interview we did with Gordene McKenzie and Nancy Nangeroni.

Finally, a very old interview we did for a Canadian TV show called Sexplorations which we did with a few good friends.